
Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Dave Berry is right on target, as usual, with this piece about bottled water.

I heard this on NPR a few years ago. Coke's marketing department had some data that said that 1/7 of the fluid consumed by humans on this planet was a Coke product, and the only way to increase this number was to get into the bottled water business. Enter Desani; a Coke without the corn syrup. What I can't figure out is why it costs more than a Coke does.

The biggest push as far as TV commercials goes is from AquaFina, and I have no idea who owns them, but they've got Kelly Rippa barking for them. There's something about her that makes her seem like she needs a good pummeling just as much (if not more) as Kathy Lee did. In the commercial, she reveals the innovation that AquaFina has made in water. . . . .
Uh, I may have not been paying attention lately, but what's new about this? Besides putting out fires and washing your dog, being flavorless is one of water's greatest qualities. So why on earth would someone get excited about Kool-Aid without the sugar?

I'm with Dave. Those commercials where people sweat colored Gatorade are really creepy.
