
Tuesday, August 13, 2002

"He's doing beautifully, he's kicking butt in every way. He's totally dedicated and everybody loves him there," Krieff said. This is the end, folks. The end of the space program as we know it. When it turns into the next reality show, NASA is going to be forced to admit "The Right Stuff" is a thing of the past, and these guys are nothing more than trained monkeys. Still need proof? Try this one:
"I have 15 other celebrities, huge 'A' and 'B' list celebrities, that are wanting to do exactly what we're doing. It's a dream come true."
You'd expect your 737 pilot to be highly trained, wouldn't you? Well these guys are no different, and while the Russians have convinced us to build them a shiny new replacement for Mir right under our very noses, NASA didn't realize that they were losing their strangle hold on the exclusive privledge of manned spaceflight.

A few more boy-bands on the ISS will be all it takes to convince the tax paying public that the last 25 years of low-earth orbit has been scientifically pointless, and the next 15 years of ISS operations and operating the same 70s era shuttles is not only completely pointless, but utterly boring once the TV ratings start to sag.

Personally, I don't think low earth orbit is far enough for most boy bands.

"Space station Alpha to Russian ground site: permission to jettison the payload ahead of schedule. . ."
