
Sunday, August 18, 2002

People just in it for the money, part II. When a group of people want the government to give them a pile of money, why don't they just say so.
What really surprised me about this story is how fast it disappeared. No mention of it at all on CNN, and it only happened yesterday.

I think we can all agree that slavery was a horrible thing, but taking money from people that never owned slaves and giving it to people that never were slaves sort of seems silly, doesn't it? And it really doesn't further your cause when you sell T-shirts that read "Kill Whitey".

But as usual, there was at least one voice of reason:
Jean-Marie Jean-Pierre, a quality assurance specialist at NASA and a black Haitian immigrant, said he doesn't approve of the idea of reparations. "I don't need them. I came here and I learned English and I got a good college education. This is the land of opportunity. Why does anybody need reparations?"
That pretty much says it all.
