
Saturday, September 07, 2002

Here is your Zero Tolerance laws in action.

What a joke. Putting a kid in suspension for a folding knife? And it wasn't even on him, it was in the car. This is much worse than the kid that brought the shotgun to school. And he got off. But that wasn't so much from the strict interpretation of the law as it was legal wrangling. The DA, Wellington's own Randall Sims, knew the law was stupid and basically found a loophole to let the kid off.

Do you think if someone is standing in a school parking lot with a rifle shooting at people that there is going to be such a loose interpretation of the law. I should hope not.

And I'd like to see David Stevens, the author of such trash, strung up by his toenails for writing such filth:
How 'bout that, Bubba? Is this a great country, or what?
And this gem:
Wonder how many are comfortable with this new information?
Gee, an officer of the court that's not going to throw a kid in jail, and used reasonable judgment in the face of stupid law, all in a rural area where the majority of the people own, use, and hunt with firearms all the dang time.

I hope Mr. Stevens car doesn't break down on U.S. 287 in Clarendon on his way to Ft. Worth. I sure hope that man can't buy a fan belt in that town.
