
Friday, April 18, 2003

The whole state is out of money, and CCISD is using parking as their rallying cry? And to think that some districts had to close schools or close band and Ag classes. Hard to imagine a Texas High School without an Ag class.
But those kids in Clear Lake sure do get scared when they have to cross the street:
"I've seen many Clear Lake High kids having to park along off-streets like Bay Area Boulevard and cross over the boulevard to walk to the school," said Otten, 38, an office manager for a pool company. "That worries me. I wouldn't want to walk across that thoroughfare during work traffic."
Imagine that! A high school-aged student asked to negotiate the impossible journey of crossing a suburban street. The horror!

Won't someone please think of the tuba players? Well, someone has. It's Sheila Safarzadeh, and I'm sure she's looking out for the children when she says this:
"They can't get their big instruments on the bus if they are in a band. And, I've seen three kids sharing one seat when the bus is crowded," she said. "There is also a safety concern for girls and boys who wait for bus at the street corner early in the morning."
Yeah, the mean streets of Clear Lake are a horribly unjust place to stand out and wait for the bus at 6:30 in the morning.

OK, so we know the whole state is broke, but this article doesn't say where any of the other $332 Million is going. It's going to new schools, technology, blah, blah, what they all say when they ask for enough money to get sharks with freakin' lasers. But what's particularly funny about this attempt is that while they want to spend $3.74 Million on parking spots because the busses are so bad, they want to spend $3.8 Million on. new busses Pick your press release and run with it, guys.
