
Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Fuel Cell Cars: Wave of the future, right? Why won't anyone print anything that even resembles technical information when they write about how perfect these fuel cells are?
They pollute less than traditional power sources, producing little more than water as a by-product. Fuel cells are not dependent on dwindling oil supplies, running instead on hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe.
I think the first step towards any future energy source's viability is that the media doesn't report on it with a mystical, Disney-esque hush tones. There's always the implication that Texaco is the one keeping it down, and if car and oil companies weren't so evil, we'd have had these things 40 years ago.

But if anyone can explain where a free and abundant supply of hydrogen exists, one that isn't already bonded with oxygen or carbon (which will require just as much energy to process into a useable form), I'd love to hear it.
