
Friday, June 20, 2003

Hats off to Minnesota, for taking a stand against stadium bleachers. . . The silent killer. I hope they do enact this on a federal level, and call it "Adam's law" or something equally asinine.
"One of the worst things about Adam's accident is that it could have been avoided," Kavanaugh said in a news release. "In order to protect the welfare of New Jersey's children, we must act now to ensure that bleachers throughout our state are safe."
Passing legislation that will ultimately cost the public millions of dollars is much easier than say, oh I don't know, watching your freakin' kids!

Just imagine: A country of almost 300 Million people, and 10 have died in the last 20 years from such a menacing threat. Something must be done. This nation can't endure the loss of the 0.00000003% of the population that don't understand how gravity works.
