
Sunday, November 30, 2003

Through citing some pretty specious reasoning this guy thinks that women don't want to join the workforce because they're lazy. Well, duh. Who does? Want to work, that is. Then you have your Nanny-envy:
And then there’s the nanny lifestyle. Woman C remembers coming home from a typically enervating day at work on a gloriously hot evening and saying to the nanny, ‘Hi, how’s your day been?’ And rather gallingly, the nanny replied, ‘Oh, fine. I’ve just sat by the pool and watched the children all day.’ Within the month, Woman C had given up work and the nanny was jobless. And, indeed, pool-less. Serves the bitch right, no?
Ouch. Uh, I don't think I have the proper genitalia to make a judgment on that statement, but I sure can't argue with that. Ruling out all those who don't have nannies, who wouldn't rather sit by the pool all day? I don't think women are beating their brains out at a job all day from lack of "childcare legislation," whatever the hell that might mean. Where is this all going?
The conclusion we might draw from all of this is that a) there are indeed cultural pressures that contribute to keeping women in the home and b) there are in some cases economic pressures also, but c) a lot of women don’t work because they don’t like working — for many of the reasons why men don’t like working, if we’re honest. It’s a drudge.
Argue with that last one. I dare you.

