
Thursday, November 20, 2003

Yes, I'm bored, so I'm over at The Corner, and it took me all of 17 seconds to find something I found profoundly disturbing. This little nugget, a list of "quotes" attributed to John Derbyshire. But it's this one that almost made beer come out my nose:
Let's face it, in the great 20th-century struggle between the state and the individual, the state has won, game, set, and match.
Maybe I'm missing something, taking it out of context and all, but I doubt it. I can't even imagine a context to take that comment where it wouldn't be absurd. Not that he's wrong, mind you, but that the statement seems to be dripping with approval. These guys call themselves Conservatives? They tout the greatest accomplishment of the Reagan Neo-Cons as being the defeat of the Soviet empire, so why such veneration of the collective?
