
Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Just what The Empire needs: a bunch of troops that not only don't want to be there, but they're pissed off as well.
To the Pentagon, stop-loss orders are a finger in the dike -- a tool to halt the hemorrhage of personnel, and maximize cohesion and experience, for units in the field in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Through a series of stop-loss orders, the Army alone has blocked the possible retirements and departures of more than 40,000 soldiers, about 16,000 of them National Guard and reserve members who were eligible to leave the service this year. Hundreds more in the Air Force, Navy and Marines were briefly blocked from retiring or departing the military at some point this year.
Keeping people from leaving the voluntary military when they voluntarily want to. Well, that sounds like. . .who are we fighting again?
