
Wednesday, December 03, 2003

MADD not doing enough to curb drunk driving? Is this a joke? In Texas, you lose your license for the first two DWI convictions you get, and on the third one, you go to prison. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Straight to prison. And you don't even have to be in an accident. Just driving home after three beers (in an hour) and happen to have a BAL over 0.08%. Where's the justice in that? Now the NHTSA wants to put the onus on doctors to predict when a drunk may decide to drive?
"A doctor's advice is often all you need to catch them early," he said
Or a bartender's. "He ordered a double, lock his ass up!"

Look, if you run over someone in your car, guess what? It's still illegal, drunk or sober. It shouldn't be more illegal just because you've had a beer or seven. That's just one short step away from the thought police saying it's the beer's fault. It's not. You made a bad call, Bubba. And whether you were changing a CD or you were three sheets to the wind, it's still your fault.

How 'bout a little more personal responsibility and a little less governmental intervention?
