
Friday, January 23, 2004

Here are two phrases you never want to hear mentioned in the same story:
  • repaired with tape
  • plutonium high explosives
We know that Southerners, specifically Texans, pride themselves with being able to repair almost anything with duct tape and bailin' wire, but what the fuck? This is the kind of thing that should keep you up at night.
"It increased the chance of dropping all or part of the explosive, "And hence increased the potential for a violent reaction."
Let's put this into perspective, shall we? A school bus hitting a gas truck and exploding is a "violent reaction." A plane crashing into a building is a "violent reaction." Detonating a nuclear device is a wee bit more than a "violent reaction," or maybe I'm exaggerating.

This was probably just the explosive part of the weapon (as opposed to the fissionable part) so really, what's the big deal? It would just leave a 30 yard crater radius, as opposed to a 30 mile crater.

What's even more frightening is to consider the Soviet nuke program. They can't even afford good duct tape. . .
