
Thursday, January 15, 2004

Lileks has an interesting take on yesterday's announcement about the Space Program:
But we know how it’ll go. We know that awe and wonder will quickly give way to japes and boredom. Year One: everyone’s riveted to webcam streams from Moon Alpha. Year Two: a UPN sitcom about life on a moon base draws more viewers. Year Three: New York Times Sunday Mag runs a story about how we’re really not learning very much on the moon, and the entire program is driven by NASA cliques who zealously guard their power against the anti-moonbase forces who want to shut the program down. That’s a given. If there had been TV reporters and satellite uplinks on Columbus’ voyage, most of the coverage would have dealt with scurvy and the lack of an exit strategy.
It's good to see that he's so typically Lileks after such a scathing piece about his own opinions on his own personal site. After reading that, I just felt sorry for Dennis Perrin. That's all. Just pity.
