
Saturday, January 31, 2004

Who would have thunk Jon Stewart would have Richard Perle, the Prince of Darkness himself, on The Daily Show. Brian does an excellent job of hitting on the high points where the "smart-alecky leftist G en-Xer" gets the better of him.
At this point, for the first time, I realized that Perle may not be quite as formidable as I thought he was. His famous genius may be as synthetic as Karl Rove?s. Stewart nailed him, luring him to pontificate a mindless "kick-ass" foreign policy, replete with a death penalty analogy as a wink to his at-least-quasi-liberal audience, and Perle didn?t even know it.
Why Perle would go on this program in the first place is totally beyond me. Almost as silly as Janet Reno's Dance Party.
