
Friday, February 06, 2004

The bridge might have a few more years left in her yet
On Thursday, the National Trust for Historic Preservation awarded a grant to Historic Wellington Inc. to hire experts to examine the old bridge, which spans the Salt Fork of the Red River in Collingsworth County.

A car occupied by Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker landed in the river in 1933, and the outlaws held a local family hostage.

The three-span bridge, built in 1939 as part of a federal works program, stands near the former location of the wooden bridge where they took their plunge.
Odd that the Bonnie & Clyde episode is mentioned in association with the bridge, since it wasn't even there when they got stuck in the sand of the Salt Fork of the Red River. Some would even say that the lack of the bridge is why they got stuck in the sand. But what do I know?

It sure would be a shame to see it go. I'd hate to be the last person to cross it, but I'd hate to be the last person to cross it because it fell out from under me, too.
