
Monday, February 16, 2004

Historic Wellington, at it again:
Judy Cudd, a member of the group, said she's had a long-standing love affair with history. She remembers exploring the nooks and crannies of an old house she used to visit as a child, realizing "none of these things are going to come again."

Cudd is one of an estimated 100 people involved in Historic Wellington - a group that can't exactly fit around a coffee table any more. And many of the members live elsewhere, connected to each other by the power of e-mail.
It's great to see this kind of interest taken in the community, but I can't say I'm more or less excited about seeing this theater restored than any other decrepit building in or around Wellington. I would like to see The Last Picture Show there, but something tells me that's not the kind of movie they're going to be showing there.
