
Thursday, February 26, 2004

The scourge of the 21st century: Girl Scout cookies. Now it looks like there's some asshats that want to put them out to pasture. Those cookies sell for two very compelling reasons. First, they're freakin' delicious. Maybe it's just because you can only get them once a year, but they're better than any cookie you can get at the store. Plus, how are you going to turn down some cute little girl that wants to sell you cookies? You can't, unless you're on par with Stalin, Hitler, or some tinfoil-hat wearing libertarian that thinks the Girl Scouts are some product of the leviathan state. But you know what? Those folks see the leviathan state when they burn their toast or drop the toothpaste cap down the drain, so those folks have earned the lunatic fringe upon which they reside. But these nuts take it a step too far. Organizing a boycott against thin-mints? Wake up, people.

Do the Girl Scouts 'support' Planned Parenthood? I don't know. Probably. But that's hardly the point. Do they do more harm than good? Do they provide cohesion and guidance to girls at a particularly troublesome time in their development? I'd say yes, but I've never been a girl scout.

The real question is this: Don't those idiots have bigger evils in the world that they can go after before they sick their judgmental dogs on the Girl Scouts? How 'bout those do-gooders settle the drug problem, rape, murder, divorce, child abuse, ring-around-the-collar and AIDS and then go after those pesky Girl Scouts.

In the meantime, I guess that just means more cookies for the rest of us. . .
