
Friday, March 05, 2004

Next week, from Duh Magazine. Here's a shocking headline: Americans Struggle with Credit Card Bills. No one saw this one coming.
Thirty-nine percent of the 1,000-plus people surveyed last week said they paid off their monthly balance in full, down from 43 percent a year ago, according to the survey.
39%, ya say? I find that to be surpassingly high, if anything. But wait for this blinding insight:
"The haves either don't use their credit cards at all or feel secure about paying off their credit card bills when they arrive," Jordan Goodman, a spokesman for the Cambridge group, said in a statement. "The growing number of have-nots, however, are being forced to borrow to pay for their daily necessities, and are getting deeper into debt."
Sha-Zammm! Has there ever been a time in human history when this has not been true? People with money, uh, have money, and those that don't have money, well, don't. Am I missing something that's not blatantly obvious?

