
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Poor Cady Wells. I had a molecule of sympathy for her until I got to the bottom of this piece and I realized she didn't even have the balls (pun definitely intended) to use her real name or to divulge the school where she taught.
I just resigned a tenured position. I did everything right. I worked hard to earn a Ph.D. I landed a tenure-track job at a small, liberal-arts college. I excelled in teaching, research, and service. The year I earned tenure I also received the highest faculty award given at the college. And then I quit ... with no other job in sight.
Blah, blah blah. . .and the pity party keeps going on like that. Look. If academe is treating you so unfairly, haul your Ph.D in Psychology out in the private sector and get a real job. This is America, lady, and there's nothing prohibiting your brilliance from attaining the lifestyle to which you've become accustom. I know, it may be hard, considering you won't get summers off, but after reading that heart felt tale of oppression, how could it possibly be any worse?

Apparently, David Lester wants you to look at the big picture and shut the fuck up, too. I like his idea: Work in a coal mine for a while, and see just how bad you've got it, then start bitching about your tenure.

I can't help it, but it reminded me a quote from the classic film, Ghost Busters:
Dr. Raymond Stantz: Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything. You've never been in the private sector. They expect results.
Ray's obviously worked for the man before. It's obvious Ms. Wells hasn't.
