
Friday, April 09, 2004

I've done lots of dumb things in my day, but I don't think I've ever ended up on a greeting card before.
Most women are eager to show off their wedding photos. But Michele Hemphill is suing to get a picture of her drinking whiskey and smoking a cigarette in her wedding dress off store shelves.

The photo was taken 22 years ago while Hemphill was with her bridesmaids before her wedding. It's featured on a greeting card with the caption: "Intoxicating Love." Inside it says, "Isn't love intoxicating? Congratulations on your special day."

Hemphill, a mother of three who works at an assisted living community and is active in her church, seeks damages of more than $25,000 for invasion of privacy, publication of private matters, intrusion upon seclusion and slander in her lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court.

She asks that all copies of the photograph be destroyed and the card be removed from retailers.
So it's not the most flattering picture, but she should be flattered that she's getting national exposure. She shouldn't be asking for its removal, she should be asking for a cut of the profits.
