
Sunday, May 16, 2004

This is what makes America great. Everyone doing what they can, ahem, for the war effort.
- ***BIG BIG WARNING*** the second part of our motto is BE DISCRETE! That means not letting on that you are on an OTOFTC mission. To the group in Galveston Texas (Yes, I got word the NEXT day), you CANNOT, and I mean CANNOT go to a bar and get loaded and start chanting 'TAKE ONE FOR THE COUNTRY' like a zillion times. That's bad. I love you Texan gals and love your spirit but that's not what we are trying to accomplish and it's not safe.
- A great idea from Shellie A., wife of Lt. A of Ft. Rucker. She is calling on wives of servicemen to have 'Felatio Friday' at least once a month. Awesome awesome idea.
Good call, Shellie A., I salute you. You are a true visionary. Only on Fridays, though?

Army enlistments just increased by about 69%.
