
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Give it up for Jenna Bush! After four years at UT, Jenna has decided on a career of teaching ten year olds.
Seated beside first lady Laura Bush in a classroom Wednesday, the 22-year-old college graduate laughed when it was their turn to read aloud with students at Hueytown Elementary School. She got through the exercise and asked a question relevant for the moment.

"What grade is this?" said Jenna, who plans to teach this fall.

"Second grade," eight 7-year-olds said in unison.

"I'm going to teach fourth grade," Jenna said.

Later, she introduced her mother on a bigger stage — a private, $500-per-person luncheon that raised $500,000 for Republican candidates nationwide. For $5,000, donors could have their photo with Mrs. Bush.
What a lovely transition. From a $500 a plate luncheon, to $35K a year shouting at glassy-eyed, doughy ten year olds. Pardon my cynicism, but why is it that I think that Jenna might just retire after November 2nd?
