
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Let's face it: Sometimes you just really need a beer. So what if you're incarcerated, you shouldn't let that stop you of enjoying a few cold ones with your buddies, should it? Of course not.
The men were charged Monday with escape and bringing alcohol into a jail.

The breakout occurred Thursday night after cellblock doors at the Hawkins County Jail were left unlocked and a faulty control panel failed to alert jailers, Sheriff Warren Rimer said.

Two of the inmates walked out through a fire exit, leaving the door propped open with a Bible, and made a hole in the exercise yard fence. They walked to a market, bought some beer and returned to the jail to share it with other prisoners. When the booze ran out, the other two inmates made another beer run to a different store.
I can't decide what's the best part of this story. That they broke out of jail to go get some beer, that they actually came back to jail with the beer, or the propped the door of the jail open with a freakin' Bible. You just couldn't make up something like that.
"I guess they thought if they came back they wouldn't be charged with escape," Rimer said, "but they were wrong."
Why? What do the citizens of Rogersville, TN gain by charging them with escape after they returned to the incompetent jail they escaped from? The jailer should give them a beer and get them to show him where the holes in the fence are.
