
Monday, September 13, 2004

It's a felony to spit in a cop's coke?
Two young men face felony charges after one of them allegedly spat in a drink he was serving to an East Texas police officer.

Brian Strban, 19, and Nathaniel Allen Baker, 22, were workers at a Lufkin Sonic Drive-In where the incident allegedly happened Sept. 3, according to a police affidavit.

Both were arrested last week and charged with second-degree felony tampering with a consumer product. If convicted, both could be sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined up to $10,000, The Lufkin Daily News reported in its online editions today.
Puerile and pointless? Yes, but a felony? I think that may be a bit much. Sounds like this is the kind of thing that we can expect more of when Super Troopers makes it way to cable. But wait, there's more:
According to the affidavit, the officer ordered a soft drink, but when he received the beverage he noticed several workers inside the kitchen laughing. The police officer, who was not identified, opened the drink and noticed what appeared to be phlegm floating on the surface.

The affidavit says lab tests confirmed his suspicions. It alleged that Strban planned the prank after recognizing the officer as one who had interrupted him and his girlfriend having a romantic interlude at a local parking spot. According to the affidavit, Strban has acknowledged encouraging Baker to spit in the drink
A romantic interlude? Sounds like he got bused makin' out with his girlfriend, and tried to exact revenge the only way he could. But how can they be sure who's phlegm it was?
Police say both suspects have given DNA samples, but no test results have been disclosed.
There's such a lack of crime in East Texas that they're DNA testing loogies? Geez. It's a pretty disgusting thing to do, but those two punks need their asses kicked. Not jail time. We need to save those jail cells in the TDCJ for those bored teenagers that are doing much worse things to our nation's fast-food supply.
