
Monday, September 20, 2004

One order of world peace, coming right up:
Pop star Madonna called for world peace Sunday at a conference on Jewish mysticism, a highlight of her five-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Israel hopes the star — the biggest pop celebrity to visit in years — will revive tourism battered by four years of Mideast violence, and government officials were on hand at a Tel Aviv hotel to share the spotlight, the glory and the photographs.
Aw shit, I thought you said whirled peas. My mistake. But seriously, I'm surprised there's any dissention left in the world tonight. Madonna has called for world peace. What's the freakin' hold up already?

And what is Israel thinking? Hitchin' their tourism wagon to her cart? Do they really want the people that listen to Madonna to show up in their country? What the hell are they going to do with all those gay men?
