
Monday, October 18, 2004

James Lileks got around to seeing the same crappy movie I saw last week, but did a much better job of its dissection than I did. Hey, he's a professional writer, and I'm barely literate.
Watched “The Day After Tomorrow,” because I enjoy special effects, and can find the FF button on my remote in the dark. Notes to director Roland Emmerich:

< snip >

5. Next time, have Dennis Quaid set his Acting Face on something other than “woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm.”

6. Early in the movie we infer that Dennis Quaid is no longer married to Sela Ward because his demanding job as a paleoclimatologist drove her away. Given that this means he preferred drilling ice to – well, Sela Ward, do you expect us to have any sympathy for this idiot at all?

7. You remember that scene where the guys in the Scottish station are sitting around pounding the Balvenie, knowing they're going to die, and one of the guys is talking about never seeing his son grow up as if he's describing a lottery ticket he lost six years ago that may or may not have had the winning numbers? Bookmark that scene should you ever wake in the middle of the night wondering "do I suck, completely?"
Reading his description of that movie was way more entertaining than actually watching it. Lileks is funny that way. Also gotta love this musical description:
. . . put on spooky music that raises the hackles and chills the blood – Celine Dion, mostly – . . .
