
Sunday, November 21, 2004

Congress looking out for you and your best interests, by dropping billions of dollars into the 21st century's buggy whip.
Though Congress approved a $1.2 billion subsidy for Amtrak, the money-losing passenger railroad still is careening toward a major disruption in service.
How the hell would anyone notice a disruption in AmTrak service? Nobody rides the friggin' things!
To save it, the Transportation Department's inspector general says, Congress must do more. Considering current Amtrak policies, says Inspector General Kenneth Mead, it's up to lawmakers to determine what must go and what may stay to restructure Amtrak and stop the hemorrhaging.
Would it be a national tragedy if we didn't have a passenger rail system? First off, I'd have to find someone that's ever taken an AmTrak train and ask them if they'd miss it. But for the other 300 million of us that pay for this crap, we know how to get to the airport.
