
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Surprised? Yes. Wrong? Yes. And I'll be wrong again and not lose any sleep over it. Zogby, on the other hand, is in worse trouble than Kerry's campaign manager. It's over, it wasn't close, and if nothing else, it showed that America's democracy, while far from perfect, is very good at doing at least one thing. Delivering us the politicians we deserve. There's no use whining about it now. If anything, the Democrats (and non-existent third party candidates) should be angry with themselves. For once, they were given a paper target of an incumbent, and they couldn't punch a hole in him if they tried to use a forklift. That's not his fault, is it?

One comment, though, about the electoral college. For those of you that were too busy smoking weed in 9th grade social studies (Jack, I'm looking in your direction), we live in the remains of a Republic. A Representational democracy. The "one man, one vote" idea of democracy, or as most thinking people like to call it, "mob rule" doesn't work, either. You elect representatives. That's what makes the system work. Anyone that advocates getting rid of the electoral college should also be in favor of getting rid of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, hell, why not all government? Everything to be decided by a plebiscite. Can you imagine any problems that might arise with that?

For what it's worth, we've got four years until the next one, so sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the ride.
