
Monday, November 01, 2004

When I first saw this site regarding the canonization of St. Clinton I thought it was mildly amusing. Mainly because I don't think there's a patron saint for indiscriminate oral sex (maybe there is) but it was amusing none the less until I got to the "Bush is Hitler" stuff at the bottom of the page. Comparing someone like Bush to Hitler only detracts from Hitler's accomplishments and makes the person making the comparison more of an extremist. But that's only the beginning.

If you click on Saint Clinton Store you can buy all kinds of crap with St. Clinton's image on it. I can look past the Clinton lunch boxes and the Lincoln coffee mugs, but there's an item at the bottom of the page that really got my attention. The I love abortion merchandise. The "I love abortion" infant t-shirt. Apparently the irony is totally lost on me, because I can't imagine a situation where it'd be funny for an infant to wear an "I love abortion" t-shirt. I really like the comment on the page:
Not pro-choice. Not pro-life. Just kill all the babies.
Admittedly, I don't know how the St. Clinton website is connected with this corner of Cafepress.com, but is it just me, or is it more than just a tad ironic that someone that wants to "kill all the babies" also thinks that Bush is the moral equivalent of Hitler? Because that irony isn't lost on me.
