
Monday, February 21, 2005

Does anyone care that Bush may have done some illegal drugs back in his wild days? It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about his life before he was "born again" and the people that wanted to vote for him seemed to be fine with that. Twice. So when you show up with a tape like this, it tends to make the exposer come across like a douche bag.
"I don't want any kid doing what I tried to do 30 years ago," Bush said in recordings made when he was governor of Texas and aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America." "And I mean that. It doesn't matter if it's LSD, cocaine, pot, any of those things, because if I answer one, then there will be another one. And I just am not going to answer those questions. And it may cost me the election."
Yawn. Who cares? There's so much other things this man is doing right now that are worthy of attention, this angle is only slightly less boring and pointless than his national guard dismissal. Can we raise the level of discourse to something that might actually fucking matter?
