
Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sometimes you gotta get out of the small town. Larry McMurtry is no different.
In the latest plot twist of McMurtry's off-and-on romance with his hometown, the author of Lonesome Dove says he will padlock his bookplex, Booked Up, at year's end for a "sabbatical."

"In my opinion, he wants the people of North Texas to stop taking him for granted," Royal Theater spokesman Clayton Clark said, answering calls at the restored movie house of Picture Show fame.
I didn't think he was so popular in Archer City, after his less than flattering, yet totally accurate portrayal of small town life in The Last Picture Show. At least the store isn't going anywhere. But really, what does it boil down to:
"I like to go out at night," he said. "I like to sit in a nice room and look at beautiful women. I don't want to just sit on my back porch drinking scotch, and there isn't much more to do in Archer City.
At least he doesn't have to drive to Wichita Falls to get scotch.
