
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Looks like the sexy cheerleading bill is losing some steam in the senate.
Texas cheerleaders probably can still Drop It Like It's Hot, because that's what the Senate plans to do with a House bill banning suggestive routines.

Cheerleader routines performed to songs like Snoop Dog's hip-hop hit prompted state Rep. Al Edwards, D-Houston, to push a bill through the House to curtail what he views as salacious moves that exploit young performers.

The bill doesn't even have a sponsor in the Senate, which would be the first step toward getting it a tryout in that chamber.

But even with a sponsor, it's unlikely to make the cut. Florence Shapiro, who chairs the Senate Education Committee, where the bill likely would land, said senators have been "cackling" about the bill and were surprised the House took time to debate the legislation.
It's encouraging to see, finally, that good taste prevailed
