
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Further proof that the NeoCon Pentagon is, in fact, evil.
World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, a prime architect of the Iraq war during his service as Deputy Defense Secretary, said Tuesday that he hasn't read any of the recently disclosed British government memos that call into question his role and that of other senior administration officials in the run-up to war during 2002.

At a breakfast meeting with reporters, Wolfowitz said he hasn't read the memos because he doesn't want to be distracted by history from his new job as head of the world's leading development bank. He returned this weekend from a tour of four African nations.

"There will be a time and place to talk about history," he added, "but I really don't believe it's now."
Holy crap, what balls! I realize that it really isn't the time/place to discuss it, since he's already gone on to be evil somewhere else, but still, that sentence took some huge, brass cajones. I wonder if he has to get specially fitted suits?

Pick your favourite political scandal from the past, oh, say 50 years, and superimpose that statement on top of it. Nixon's Watergate, Clinton's blue dress, Reagan's Iran-Contra? What if they said "we just don't want to talk about it now?

The fact that this is just getting swept under the rug is just further proof that the Democrats are the Whigs of the 21st century. They are eviscerating all of their credibility by sitting on their hands for this one.
