
Saturday, June 25, 2005

It's all making sense now. I just knew there was a reason my cat kept nagging me to take her to Hawaii. I thought she wanted to take up surfing.
The audience was eager for the governor to put pen to paper. Some drooled. Catching the spirit of excitement, a few even lost control and barked. Canines of all sizes and a spotted rabbit named Roxy were among those gathered Friday at the Capitol to watch Gov. Linda Lingle sign into law a measure that allows residents to leave a trust for the care of their dog, cat, or other domestic animal.

Friday also marked National "Take Your Pet to Work Day." Several legislators and a number of other workers showed off their four-legged friends, who mostly behaved.
There's a take your pet to work day? These people have been in the sun too long. At least they found representation.
