
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Submitted for your approval, the ravages of illicit drugs on your body. I give you meth mouth.
The drug itself, a synthetic stimulant that can be manufactured just about anywhere, causes dry mouth, Dr. Shaner said, and that in turn allows decay to start, since saliva is unavailable to help control bacteria in the mouth. The drug also tends to leave users thirsty and craving a constant supply of soda pop and other sugary drinks, which spur the decay; Mountain Dew, he said, has become the preferred drink of methamphetamine users. At the same time, the drug's highly addictive nature causes many users simply to stop doing what is needed to take care of themselves, including the brushing of teeth.
Sad, really, that this isn't the worst aspects of being a crank head.

Thankfully, drinking and smoking don't have any negative side effects.
