
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Tired of your kitty going outside and bringing in semi-conscious rodents to dismember? Do what this guy did and hook up your cat door to an image recognition algorithm and plug it into your computer.
This is Flo. Her job is testing our image recognition algorithms, although she might not be aware of this. She goes in and out of the house through a cat door.

She also has a habit of catching various animals, dragging them inside through the cat door, and letting them loose so they can be chased for hours. Very cruel. To put an end to this we have built a computer-controlled device that visually determines if Flo is carrying anything in her mouth when she enters, and if she does, it simply does not let her in. Below you see how it looks from inside:
Pretty nifty. The cat owner in me says "wow, what a great idea." But the engineer in me says "Flo control? What a cool name!"

I'm such a dork, on both accounts.
