
Monday, July 18, 2005

I don't think I "get" Garrison Keillor, but this line made me laugh:
How did the graduate of a liberal arts college who attended class in a building with Greek columns and an inscription that said men are ennobled by understanding come to this sorry state, sitting in shorts and T-shirt in a stream of cold air, consuming ice, reading trash, looking forward to his second shower of the day? What happened to the nobility?

Give me iced tea, air conditioning, three showers a day, and I could spend August in Texas, no problem. Happiness is in the details. People who study the Larger Picture are bound to get depressed.
How true it is. Also, all nobility goes out the window when it hits 100ยบ, and everyone is bound to get depressed in the details, regardless of the temperature.

But to Keillor and the likes from the great frozen north that like to decry the oppressive heat of Texas, I offer you this: I've never had to shovel heat out of my driveway so I could get to work, nor rake it off my house to keep my roof from collapsing.
