
Sunday, July 17, 2005

This whole Rove/Plume/Miller/Novak thing is about to get blown wide open, regardless of how tightly Bush circles the wagons.
No one has been closer to the president longer, or bailed him out of more tight spots, than Karl Rove, his chief political adviser. Now the question is whether President Bush can protect Mr. Rove from a gathering political storm, no matter how furious it becomes.
I don't quite understand why Miller's in jail for an op-ed Novak wrote, but now Rove said Novak leaked the info to him, not the other way around. It's all getting as torridly complex as a Las Vegas paternity suit. But this has got to be the crowning achievement of asinine comments made by any Bush official:
A former official who has worked for Mr. Bush said: "This president is Mr. Alamo. He sees the hordes coming over the hill and he heads for the barricades. And not to raise a white flag."
Quick history lesson: Everyone at the Alamo was killed.
