
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Like most single women going to New Orleans looking for a party, Katrina blows into town drunk off her ass with her tits flapping in the wind. The 175 mph wind. I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said, so I'll try to summarize:
  • Here's the it's bad, no wait, good for the economy story.
  • The obligatory those hedonists brought this on themselves/wrath of God story.
  • The President Bush had to cut short his 35 day vacation to deal with the story.
And I'm sure countless others. But the real story are the pictures. This is what New Orleans looked like this weekend. Here's a cross section of the City between the Mississippi and Lake Pontchartrian. Notice much farther the city is as compared to the water level that surrounds it.

Imagine that you're out to sea, surrounded on all sides by water. Now one of the sides of your ship gives way, and water is rushing in 100 times faster than you can bail it out. What now?

What the hell do they do now? Of course the initial urge is to rebuild, but back to the sinking ship analogy, you've got to rebuild half of your sinking ship first and, by the way, your bilge pumps are under about 20 feet of water, corpses, sewage, and Britney Spears albums. Is it too late to market New Orleans' tourism destinations as "New Venice?"

This is a particularly damming headline, coming as it does from NOLA

No levees, no New Orleans. Simple as that. Looks like Katrina is more than a drunken whore on Bourbon Street. She's one of those "atlas altering" storms that only come around once every hundred years or so.
