
Monday, October 31, 2005

I'll admit that I've watched way too much baseball in the past three weeks, but I couldn't help but think that the Meirs nomination was too easy. Hit 'em with the change-up first, then throw the fastball high and inside to make the batter work for it. Meet the new fast-ball.
Conservatives lauded President Bush on Monday for his choice of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court, while liberals signaled a contentious confirmation hearing is ahead for the nominee.

Alito, a 55-year-old judge on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, is a favorite of conservatives, many of whom objected when Bush nominated White House legal counsel Harriet Miers at the beginning of the month.
I don't have any idea what to think about this guy, but at least this time the fight will be from the Democrats and NOT the Republicans that can't stand Bush's appointment. But in looking at some of his more than 700 written opinions, it looks like they're circling the wagons for one hell of a fight, which should be interesting. Bush isn't very good at conceding.
