
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Interesting review of I Am Charlotte Simmons and its cynical yet eerily prophetic view on today's college students.
Where, in a former age, the impressionable young student might have aspired to religious salvation or genuine wisdom, today’s typical college student lives more for entertainment, sensation, and release, all the while demanding and largely getting immediate gratification.

. . .

I Am Charlotte Simmons is an indictment of the primary centers of higher education in America today. These institutions do not well serve the real longings and earnest ambitions of the young people who flock to them, at great cost and with great expectations, year after year. Instead of pointing students to a world that is higher than where they came from, the university reinforces and expands the nihilism and political correctness that they are taught in public schools, imbibe from popular culture, and bring with them as routine common sense when they arrive on campus.

If Wolfe’s description of Dupont accurately portrays the character of our elite universities, then the dissolution of the American way of life is nearly complete.
Kids these days. Is this generation, a product of its environment which was largely created by baby-boomers, any worse off than any other previous generation of young adults floundering to find themselves? Look around.
