
Sunday, December 11, 2005

The most sickening example of the "no-knock warrant" to date would have to be the case of Cory Maye, which has got The Agitator's attention lately.
Pretty disturbing, and not just from the lack of coverage he's getting in the media. Here's the original press release, but Radley summarized the aftermath:
So let's re-sum what we know so far: Police broke down Maye's door at sometime after 11:30pm at night. He was alone with his daughter. He was not a drug suspect, nor were police authorized by the warrant to enter his home. Maye had no prior criminal record. And police said at the time that no drugs were found in his apartment, though they later say they found "traces" of marijuana and cocaine.
Tragic, yet fascinating story, and Radley's on it like a duck on a junebug. Honestly, I'm surprised there's not more of this. Drug dealer or not, I figure that if anyone's door gets knocked in in the middle of the night, protecting yourself would be anyone's first response. Which is what I find particularly disturbing about this idiotic program on A&E. I know he's not a cop, but he presents himself as some kind of law enforcement officer, yet he looks like a total thug. I can't believe he hasn't been shot based on his appearance alone.
