
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Blockbuster was horrible long before 1998, but it's good to see that DVDs have finally sounded the death nell to Blockbuster [thanks, longtime reader!]
As far the studios are concerned, other than collecting the money that Blockbuster owes them for past movies, the video chain has little relevance to their future. Viacom perspicuously divorced itself from Blockbuster by spinning it off to its shareholders, and, as one Viacom executive told me, "Blockbuster will certainly not survive and it will not be missed." It is another zombie in Hollywood.
If Blockbuster was actually superior to the untold hundreds of local video stores that they buried, I'd gladly give them my money for a movie rental. But they suck. They'd have 300 copies of Herbie: Fully Loaded but only six movies made before 1975. That, along with the fact that they made almost as much money from idiots paying late fees than they did renting movies is just further proof that when they're gone, no one will miss them.
