
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Obviously, there are some people mad about what's going on in Iraq, but just how is protesting at a dead soldier's funeral going to help your cause? And what, exactly, is these people's cause?
Following through with plans they announced last week, about 20 protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church staged a protest a block away from 1st Lt. Benjamin Britt's funeral Monday.

The Topeka, Kan.-based church claims that American soldiers are dying in foreign lands because of the country's support of homosexuality, according to a flier circulated by the church prior to Monday's protest.
Really? We're in Iraq because of America's support for homosexuality? I don't quite follow that one, but I'm sure they'd love to explain it to me.
Motorcycle riders opposing the protesters surrounded the group, revving their engines to drown out protesters' chants.
Well, that's mature. Yet no less asinine than what the poetasters were doing.

It's not uncommon for a church to focus (obsess) on a particular part of scripture and blame people's less than fanatical observance of it as the cause of all the world's woes. But I don't think they're doing any Christian a favor by exhibiting such behavior at a funeral.

I find the whole story unbelievably baffling in its stupidity, yet I'm a bit torn by the whole thing. I'd like to see these people get flushed from our collective conscience and never get another headline again, but there's also a part of me that thinks that if everyone knew how totally bat-shit crazy they were, my first wish just might come true. So who knows.
