
Friday, February 17, 2006

One problem with blogging is that I tend to read an inordinate amount of crap online. Mostly news type stuff, but it's stories like this that really question the need for 24 hour news outlets.
The corpses of at least 20 newborn babies and fetuses are found each week in the sewers of Zimbabwe's capital, some having been flushed down toilets, Harare city authorities said, according to state media Friday.
That's troubling, to say the least, but let's hear from the Town Clerk, Nomutsa Chideya, for the really alarming part:
"Apart from upsetting the normal flow of waste, it is not right from a moral standpoint. Some of the things that are happening now are shocking," the state Herald, a government mouthpiece, reported Chideya as saying.
Maybe I'm being overly sentimental, but I'd nominate that one for the understatement of the year. Perhaps if your city's infrastructure can't cope with the number of human fetuses in the public sewer system, maybe your primary problem isn't related to plumbing.
