
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A somber note to collectors, and whatever they think will become of their precious collections.
A collectibles researcher in Vera Cruz, Pa., Mr. Rinker, 64, himself collects everything from jigsaw puzzles to antique toilet paper. But he thinks sentimental "accumulators" need a reality check. "Old-timers thought the next generation would love their stuff the way they did," he says. "Well guess what -- it's not happening." He advises: Enjoy your collections, die with them, and have no expectations about anything after that.
A humbling thought to what your kids are going to do with your crap, just like you did with your parent's crap. I'm a big a fan of nostalgia as the next guy, but if we all hung on to the same mastodon skins, we'd still be eating off the same flattened rocks that our simian ancestors did. At some point we have to cast it all aside and make our own lives, just like our ancestors did, and if that means that the Wedgwood goes in the garage sale with the Star Wars figures, then so be it. Tomorrow is another day.
