
Sunday, February 26, 2006

What a great way to keep tabs on a guy that would make an asinine statement like "If you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about." Here's a good first step, having four million videotape vigilantes following you around to make sure you don't do anything wrong.
When Matt Asher, a 32-year-old Medford, Ore., Web site designer, read a wire service report on Hurtt's comments in a local newspaper, he was moved to create the "Hurtt Prize" for "the first person who can provide definitive videotaped evidence of Houston police chief Harold Hurtt committing a crime, any crime."The reward stands at more than $1,400 — $1,000 from Asher and the balance pledged by readers of his Web site, www.hurttprize.org.
First of all, the chief of police shouldn't be breaking any laws anyway, but if he's got a problem with people videotaping him from the moment he steps out of his house in the morning until the instant he returns home at night, maybe it's time for him to re-think this whole surveillance camera bullshit.
