
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sometimes the truth hurts.
A Nashville man got a speeding ticket, and he didn't hide the fact he thinks Coopertown is a speed trap.

That's what started a feud between him and the mayor.

He got the ticket while house hunting. Needless to say, T. Allen Morgan isn't planning on moving to Coopertown anymore, but he's made a lot of calls to city hall since.

And when he finally paid the ticket off, he let the town know what he thinks of it.

Morgan enclosed a check to pay for his ticket but wrote “for speed trap” on the check.

“I just wanted to make a point that I knew what was going on,” he said.

Crosby told the Associated Press that accepting the check would be admitting his town is a speed trap, and that is a “bald-faced lie.”
All pretty silly, but the kind of reaction you'd expect from a small town mayor who is totally aware that the speed trap in his town generates 30% of the town's revenue.
