
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The war on drugs is absolutely lubricious, but this article makes some sense, no matter how wacky this guy is:
If you think we've got a wasteful bureaucracy now, just wait until the American state is the cocaine kingpin. The government can't even deliver hurricane aid, much less heroin to all the Americans who need it.

At any rate, like any decent proponent of American capitalism, I would far prefer to see Afghan warlords and Mexican organized crime figures make the money and provide these key medical services. The American government will simply use the increased revenue to fund the war/torture machine.

By comparison to Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, drug cartels are positively benevolent.
Ouch, but true.

What I find most humorous about all of this is that the drug dealers and the neo-prohibitionists are on the same side. I can recall back to the college days when my druggie friend's worst nightmare is that they'd make weed legal. At 19, it was much more difficult to get beer than it was to get weed: Legalizing it would have killed his business.
