
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Do laptops now come pre-loaded with hundreds of thousands of social security numbers on them? It would appear so.
Personal data on about 2.2 million active-duty military, Guard and Reserve personnel — not just 50,000 as initially believed — were among those stolen from a Veterans Affairs employee last month, the government said Tuesday.

VA Secretary Jim Nicholson said the agency was mistaken when it said over the weekend that up to 50,000 Navy and National Guard personnel — and no other active-duty personnel — were affected by the May 3 burglary.

In fact, names, birth dates and Social Security numbers of as many as 1.1 million active-duty personnel from all the armed forces — or 80 percent of all active-duty members — are believed to have been included, along with 430,000 members of the National Guard, and 645,000 members of the Reserves.
Why should I bother to protect this info if no one else is? See, there's this book. . .
